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How Can You Use Discord For Marketing?

When we think of the various marketing platforms, we typically think of placing ads on Google, or using social media like Twitter and Facebook, but have you thought about utilizing the communication tool, Discord? Would you have even thought about it, let alone consider it? Probably not. It’s a pretty underrated gem in the management […]
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What Are Some Of The Top Advertising Campaigns? Why Do They Work?

Two years into the pandemic, and we are still seeing shifts in how businesses market products and services. Pandemic or not, market trends will continue to come and go, and because of that, marketers and advertisers will always need to keep up on them so we can get new ideas of how to deal with […]
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How to Audit And Update Your Marketing Strategy

With a new year comes new marketing strategies that we should all be making use out of! Discovering or creating new strategies can help your HVAC brand continue discovering the areas of your business by organizational growth and thereby helps in creating an organizational plan to cater to your clients needs. Over at LYFE Marketing, […]
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What Are Some Classic Examples Of Exceptional Jingle & Slogan Writing?

As an advertising method that has stood the test of time, slogans and jingles offer many advantages to marketers willing to take the plunge. As a simple, classic method of advertising, jingles associate your brand with a source of information, providing a memorable way for your customers to learn more about what you have to offer. By […]
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HVAC Business: 4 Types Of Market Targeting

Marketing our HVAC businesses is always top of mind this time of year. In this HVAC business video HVACmillionaire discusses the 4 types of market targeting. Finding people who are in the market and ready to receive what you have to offer will prevail as the best strategy possible.
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How Do You Turn a Boring Service Into a Marketing Success Behind Your Most Successful Campaigns?

It feels like from the start of time, there were some businesses who had an easier time and better luck marketing their brands than others. We just need to face it – there are some businesses that just aren\’t considered \”sexy\” and that can make it make it difficult to market it. The HVAC industry […]