
Scott Davenport

hand, monitor, tap

Technical Tips: Getting Started with Technical SEO

In this episode of Technical Tips from Moz, Kavi Kardos will take us through what Technical SEO is, the importance behind it, and how you can diagnose and fixe issues on your site.
cell phone, phone, cell

Are Consumers Receptive To Texts From Brands?

As a business, have you thought about being able to send messages to your potential consumers? After all, it\’s just one more way to get the word out about a new offer, product or service. According to Text messaging solution Attentive, who released a new survey that looked at how consumer messaging behavior changed, it seems that […]
communication, workplace, macbook

What Are Some Important Image SEO Tips You Should Know?

I think all of us does this. When you\’re creating a new blog post or web page for your site, you want to put a shiny new image to spruce things up, right? Of course! A good image can make anything look better, especially when compared to a page that is full of pure text. […]
music on your smartphone, spotify, music service

Spotify Wants To Make Podcasts Bigger Of A Thing, With New Tools To Translate Written Content In Audio Feeds

When you run an HVAC business, you want to make sure you are able to get your name out there to as many potential cliental as possible. So you set up Google Ads, you take out advertisements in as many possible places as possible for the furthest reach you can. But what if there\’s more […]
people, man, adult

Brand Name Conundrum: Should You Or Should You Not Buy Your Brand Name?

So, you have an HVAC business. You\’re all set up to go to work. You also want to get yourself set up for digital online marketing. But here\’s a question you will probably ask yourself – is there a good reason to buy your own brand in Google Ads? Or should you leave all that […]
mac, freelancer, macintosh

Google Announces New Search Console Feature: Associations

According to an announcement, Google has announced a new Search Console feature called Associations. With Associations, you can pull data from other Google properties, allowing you to unlock more functionality for your site. You can connect your Search Console account with other Google owned accounts, such as YouTube, Android apps, Google Analytics and the like. The […]