
Month: October 2022

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What Are 4 Reasons Click Volume Decrease

Clicks are one of the primary interactions an advertisers desires for the ad, as it is a way to evaluate how well your advertisement worked in order to gain engagement, to achieve a particular audience, and to grow the amount of sales you get for your brand. Clicks are a type of interaction that gives […]
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3 Email Marketing Automation Ideas

Some people might be wondering, what is email marketing automation? Email automation is a way to create emails that reach your target audience with the right message at the right moment—without doing the work every time. With automation, you can send out automated messages leveraging a marketing automation tool. Marketing 360 has come up with three […]
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Measuring E-A-T? – Whiteboard Friday

One of the most important components of your business is the level of trust your users have in your brand expertise. Without that trust, you will not have customers, and in the end, no business to run. Google has been ambiguous about what E-A-T (expertise-authoritativeness-trustworthiness) actually is, and how it plays into your SERP rankings. […]
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The Difference Between Facebook, Twitter And LinkedIn Writing

Thanks to the ever-changing social platform algorithms, it can be difficult to generate engagement with your social media posts. But you know that great writing can connect you with your audience, so no matter how things change, you keep up with those changes. No matter what, we use social media to foster relationships with your […]
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How To Grow Your Business Through An Omnichannel Strategy

What is omnichannel marketing? Omnichannel marketing is the seamless integration of branding, messaging, and online and offline touchpoints as your customers make there way further down the sales funnel, enabling a greater impact on the customer experience. In other words, you’re utilizing multiple marketing channels to create a single user experience. Basically, you’re uniting the […]
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Portland Businesses: How to Optimize Your PPC Campaigns for Greater ROI

Pay-per-click campaigns, also known as PPC campaigns, have the potential to exponentially boost your business’s sales. They do so by increasing your visibility on search engines, providing you with leads likely to convert, and developing insights into your customers’ online behavior. Combined with marketing strategies that boost your organic traffic, PPC campaigns lead to positive […]