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What You Need To Know From Google\’s Annual Search Event

In this recent episode of Marketing O’Clock, they discuss Google\’s most recent Search On Even where they discuss all the announcements that came from it. Learn more about improvements to Google lens translate, the expansion of Multisearch, shopping updates, new ways to explore Google maps and everything (bagel purses) in between! They talked about how […]
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Top Four Things You Should Know About GA4 – Whiteboard Friday

The newest version of Google Analytics is just what it sounds like – new and improved. GA4 ads new analysis technology without requiring any additional code, and is fully functionality and is the default property type when creating a new Google Analytics property. If you’re using UA on your website, upgrading is easy. First, go […]
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How To Remove A Web Page From Google Index

Do you have a web page that you need removed as possible from Google’s index? In this Google Search Central video, you will learn how to remove a web page. John Mueller shares what tool to use in Search Console.
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How To Create High Performing Google Search Campaigns

When you are creating a high performing google search ad campaign, you\’re ultimately optimizing three different things:, visibility, clickability, and convertibility. According to Marketing 360, for best success follow this simple process: Pick a search term Put it in your ad copy Make it dominate on your landing page. Invest enough money so your ad […]
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Should My Web Page Show Multiple Languages?

Are you confused about showing multiple languages on your website? Are you unsure about whether or not you need to specify a primary language on a multilingual page? On this episode of #AskGooglebot, John Mueller covers best practices for multilingual pages.
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SEO For Ecommerce And The Future of Google Shopping

In this Search Engine Journal video, We see Loren Baker talk with Ethan Giffin, the founder and CEO of Baltimore-based Groove Commerce about overall SEO for eCommerce & DTCs, Google Merchant Center / Shopping, the importance of CRO & Upsells for SEO (and other channels) and ways to prepare for the 2022 Holiday Shopping season. […]