The Do’s and Don’ts of Creating a Successful Facebook Ad 

Though most businesses have a Facebook page, understanding how to achieve Facebook ad results is not so readily apparent. With the right strategies, you can create an ad that gets significant results. 

Social media advertising continues to rise as a favorite marketing channel among businesses. It’s easy to see why–social media has the power to raise awareness of your brand by increasing impressions and clicks to your website. It’s also cost-effective compared to other forms of advertising. Facebook ads are super cheap and potentially can get you conversions and sales. But, you will only see significant results for your business if you take the time to follow the right strategies!

We made it easy for you to get started creating your Facebook ad by putting together this list of helpful tips and strategies.

Why Should You Create a Facebook Ad?

It is a simple and cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website, promote brand awareness, and boost sales.

Types of Facebook Ads

Try to choose ads that are creative and eye-catching to your audience. Choosing bold colors is an excellent way to draw attention. Deciding on the form your ad will take is also important. You can choose to use a few different forms of ads, including popular options like:

  • Image
  • Video
  • Carousel 

There are also options for where on the screen to place your ads. Consider different placements like desktop, mobile, or right-hand sidebar.

The Do’s of Creating Your Facebook Ad

When creating your Facebook Ad, taking advantage of the audience segmentation tools is essential, ensuring that your ad reaches the right people. You can target your audience by basic demographics like age, gender, and location. This option is probably best if you do not have a defined audience yet. However, if you have a specific audience, you can get way more in-depth with targeting your ideal customers with specifics like behavior, interests, connections, and income level. 

The most important thing to remember about Facebook Ads is correctly targeting your audience. You will receive a much higher ROI on your ads if you effectively manage to target your audience.

Create an Action Plan

It would be best if you tried to create a clear plan with measurable indicators from the beginning. Think hard about your desired goals and outcomes. Then, define realistic goals and set your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), so you can determine your ads’ results.

Target Income Level

You can create an ad for Facebook while targeting the income level of your ideal audience. This technique of Facebook targeting of income level is a surefire way that your ads reach customers who want to buy what you’re selling and have the means to do so. 

With Facebook household income targeting, you will never see exact salary numbers. Instead, you receive an earning percentage. When you use ads for Facebook while targeting income, keep in mind the audience size. An indicator shows how large your audience is when you choose to target.

Target People Near Your Business

Create Facebook ads with zip code targeting those closest to your business. In this type of ad, you will select on a map the zip code you’d like to target. Geotargeting gives you the option to target people in a particular city or neighborhood. This option benefits local businesses looking to drum up interest and potential customers physically near them. With Facebook zip code ads targeting local areas, you can also do more outreach outside of your neighborhood by setting and adjusting the parameters. 

The Don’ts of Creating Your Facebook Ad

Be too Vague or Irrelevant with Your Targeting

You need to be specific if you know and understand your ideal customers. However, it is also possible to target the wrong people. In this case, your ads will perform abysmally. You need to get your audience right from the start. Take extra time from the start so you don’t stumble into this pitfall. Be creative with your targeting. But also be realistic with the number of people you are trying to reach. 

Unclear Objectives

Be sure to understand your objectives for running this ad. Are you trying to spread awareness of your brand? Are you trying to make a sale? Once you determine your objectives, you can better formulate the right strategy. Take into consideration the type of your ad, the content, and the call to action. Having an unclear call to action and a lackluster landing page will not lead to positive results in your sales growth.

Create Boring Content

There is a lot of content on people’s Facebook pages that’s highly particular to them. So then, you need to create exciting and interesting ads to grab people’s attention. No one will click on your Facebook ad if it’s boring, no matter how well you planned or targeted the ad. You need to entice leads to visit your website or engage with your brand. Start by researching what kinds of content your audience enjoys the most. Then determine the type of ad you think your audience will engage with the most. 

Understanding the Results of Your Facebook Ad

After you put up your ads on Facebook, monitor them and then, after some time, analyze the results of your campaign. You can find out significant metrics like performance, engagement, and clicks. This insight will help you in future ads to figure out how your audience interacted with your brand.
There is a lot to consider when planning your Facebook ad campaign. With specific demographic segmentation, like an ad on Facebook targeting income level, a business can better reach its prospective customers. If you’re looking to find more information about the benefits of Facebook targeted ads, take a look at our blog. At Thrive, we offer specialized marketing services that help your business’s social media marketing campaigns.

Written by – Kristin Digioia

Scott Davenport

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