Reddit Ads Overview (Infographic)

Can you believe that Reddit is 18 years old? It’s hard to think that Reddit is legally an adult in the human world.

Despite how long Reddit has been around, it isn’t something that’s typically established in the paid social media space as a platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Because of that, it’s not crammed with ads like those other platforms.

This means that Reddit advertising affords businesses a special opportunity that they can’t find elsewhere. On Reddit, people are highly engaged with specific topics and interested related to their products or services. At 57 million daily active users, this can be an incredible thing for any business and industry for advertising.

Reddit has a growing range of ad options which was outlined in a new post.

Social Media Today has taken the information in Reddit’s post and created the following infographic. This overview can help you to better understand of the options for your Reddit ad experience, and what could work for your brand.

Check out Reddit’s various ad options here.


Scott Davenport

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