Is your current marketing efforts not quite doing as well as they used to? It might be time to utilize community based marketing!
A significant trend in business these days is the rapid change of customer expectations when it comes to engaging with brands. People want not only a great product or service, they want authentic human connection with the brand and the community of followers.
A community can be defined as a space where people are sharing like-minded ideas, interests and values, and have a sense of connection. With brand communities, people are creating deep connections with fellow supporters of a particular brand, and sometimes the brand itself.
This has given rise to brand communities, which is something brands can use to connect deeply with their audience.
But is this the future of marketing? Will it stand tall or fade from marketing?
Check out Social Media Examiner’s video where they talk about the following:
- The Importance Of Community For Business
- Why Business Communities Fail
- Community-Based Marketing Strategy And The Emotional Continuum
- Community-Based Marketing: Define A Purpose For Your Community-Based Marketing
- Customer Moderators: The Critical Importance Of Status In Community-Based Marketing
- Community-Based Marketing: How To Cultivate And Grow A Community For Marketing
- How To Establish Standards And Expectations For Business-Based Community
- Community-Based Marketing: Community-Based Marketing: How To Co-Create With Your Community Members