Google Account-Level Negative Keywords Have Arrived

Have you had impressions or clicks on your Google campaigns that you just didn’t want? Isn’t there a way you can stop these impressions and clicks from happening?

There is!

Advertisers can create a negative keyword list at the account level that ca be applied to any applicable and relevant campaigns. By creating a negative keyword list, you can block your ads from showing for specific irrelevant terms for your brand. This means that more of the right keywords will be able to reach your target audience. This could mean more conversions in the end.

This will make things easier since advertisers won’t have to add negative keywords to individual campaigns. This will save a lot of time and effort in the future.

Here is how to create a negative keyword list:

  1. Sign in with your manager account.
  2. Click on the tool icon in the upper right hand corner of your account.
  3. Click the Negative keyword lists under Shared Library.
  4. Click the plus button.
  5. Type a name for the list you want to create in the “List name” field.
  6. Enter or paste one negative keyword per line in the “Add negative keywords” field.
  7. Click Save.

You can also edit or permanently remove negative keyword lists

  1. Sign in with your manager account.
  2. Click on the tool icon in the upper right hand corner of your account.
  3. Click the Negative keyword lists under Shared Library.
  4. Here, you can:
    • click a list to edit it
    • Remove a list by checking the box next to it and clicking Edit, and then Remove

Scott Davenport

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