

google, search engine, browser

Fragment Links For Images And Videos Coming To Chrome

It would seem that recently, Chrome announced that it is working on supporting the scroll to text fragment links for videos and images, as you can see from the tweet below.
technology, camera, sport

What Are Some Different Types Of High-Performing Video Content to Upgrade Your Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Do you want to improve your online marketing? What are some of the different kinds of video you can add to improve your marketing abilities? Luckily, we have some tips for success from Breadnbeyond, and they have all been compiled into an infographic, in which you can find below. Check out the infographic for more detail.
youtube, laptop, notebook

YouTube Will Add New Ways For Creators to Make Money

In case you didn’t know (which is unlikely in this day and age), YouTube is a pretty big thing. You can post all the videos you want for other people to enjoy. YouTube is full of incredible videos that range from political to useful to just plain silly and fun. As we know, it’s possible […]