
Link Building

rings, link, sky

How to Use Surveys to Tap into Trending Conversations (and Build Links)

Anybody who uses search engines knows Google uses links like votes. But not all links are considered to be equal. A link that leads to a website that is generally considered competent and trustworthy, or it’s not. These types of credible and trustworthy links will usually get more clicks, while the others don’t. In order […]
broken, glass, school

How Do You Gain Value From Broken Links?

When you think of link building, what’s the first thing you think of? More than likely, it’s the standard outreach process that jumps to mind. They can be effective, sure, but there are other effective link-building tactics that gives you more control. These strategies rely on broken backlinks. Corey Patterson outlined his method for increasing […]
email, newsletter, marketing

What You Need to Know About Buying Links From Random Emails

If you’re running a business, it probably isn’t much of a shock if your email is always full of random people trying to sell you links. Naturally, a lot of people don’t really like the idea of sustaining the connections it takes to naturally build quality links. One of the things that’s scary about trying […]
knight, dolmen, lanyon quoit

Debunking Link Building Myths in 2021

What is a myth? A myth is a garbled truth, misspoken fact that some people will end up thinking is true. In this episode of Whiteboard Friday, Shannon McGuirk take us through five link building myths that we believe in 2021.
boy, fence, poverty

Link Building Tactics for Beginners

Link building is important, but many SEOs tend to agree that link building is quite difficult. A lot of time is spent trying to do it and do it well, but if you can master it, it can put you ahead of other SEOs and, more importantly, your competition. In this Ahref video, we will […]