

google on your smartphone, search, internet

How Do You Get Google To Quickly Index Your Site?

If you website is one of the main sources of conversions for your business, discovering how to get your site ranked high on Google is incredibly important. With a properly indexed site lets a search engine see all of the important pages and gives your site a major boost. When working on SEO for a […]
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11 SEO Tips And Tricks That Can Improve Search Indexation

Do you remember back in the days before we had search engines and the internet when you’d have to consult an encyclopedia in order to learn about the world? Do you remember looking up the phone number of a plumber or other service in the yellow pages? Even then, we had to search through directories […]
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Chances Are, Google Will Index Content That’s Important

During one of Google\’s SEO Office Hours hangouts, John Mueller was given the chance to discuss the importance of helping Google understand which content is important in order to get it indexed by the search engine. Mueller talked about the importance of how important the content was, as well as five ways to highlight that […]
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How Many Ways Can You Get Deindexed By Google?

A website is usually disindexed for one of two reasons: Google has taken a manual action on your site.  Someone accidentally made a mistake in the code of the website to cause the deindexation The indexing of your content by Google is determined by their system algorithms that takes into account user demand and quality. […]