
Month: March 2021

mistake, error, correction

Technical Tips: How to Effectively Correct Redirect Chains

Here’s a fun little Google tidbit for you – the search engine will only follow up to five redirect hops in a single crawl. Basically, too many redirect chains might have a chance of impacting your crawl budget negatively. In this video, Moz Onboarding Specialist, Alicia Feinstadt shows you how to use Moz Pro to […]
boy, fence, poverty

Link Building Tactics for Beginners

Link building is important, but many SEOs tend to agree that link building is quite difficult. A lot of time is spent trying to do it and do it well, but if you can master it, it can put you ahead of other SEOs and, more importantly, your competition. In this Ahref video, we will […]
man, face, black

How Long Does SEO Take?

It seems that a lot of people who aren\’t in SEO, but want SEO to happen to their business website might eventually ask one particular questions – how long does SEO actually take? Understandably, a definitive answer is always nice, but unfortunately, trying to figure out how long SEO takes is not so easily answered. […]
microphone, podcast, pop filter

Is Podcast Advertising The Most Targeted and Appreciated By The Consumer?

According to data from chartr and Edison Research, more and more people in the US are regularly listening to podcasts. The number of podcasts that are available year after year are also on the rise. Because there is an increase in podcasting overall, that also means that there is more advertising in podcasting, as well. Did you know that in 2019, […]
night, city, aerial view

The World’s Top 50 Websites: How Does Your Site Traffic Compare? (Infographic)

All websites are created differently. Topics, content, number of pages, it\’s all different. Even in the same industry (just like in HVAC), websites can be vastly different in how big they are, even if we\’re talking small business. When you compare the world’s most popular websites and your own small business website, it’s safe to […]
instagram, social media, communication

How Brands Are Using Instagram Reels: Your Essential Guide to Success

A lot of people have heard of Instagram, and many of us uses the platform on a daily basis, but how many of us have heard of or have used Reels (which is Instagram’s short term video feature similar to TikTok)? Reels is Instagram’s way to potentially neutralize the ground of video-sharing. With Reels, it’s a […]