When Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media In 2022?

Social media is a great marketing tool you can utilize to attract and engage your target audience. But by knowing when a majority of your audience will be active on each social media outlet, you will more effectively be able to covert more of your social media visitors from leads to customers or clients.

But thanks to ever changing times, and norms, the best times to post on social media will always change, making it difficult to know when the best times are for posting your content.

According to Sprout Social, who analyzed some of the most recent data to date, people’s self-reported use of social media is up compared to previous years:

“In fact, 71% of consumers found themselves using social more than they have in years past, which means brands and marketers need to meet their audiences where they are. And when marketers meet consumers’ expectations on social media, the benefits extend to every area of the business.

Matt G. Southern from Search Engine Journal takes us through the current, updated best times to post on social media right now.

Checkout his article over here.

Scott Davenport

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