What Are Some Great Ways You Can Reduce Your Bounce Rate?


Did you know that having a low bounce rate for your website means you\’ll see better engagement?

If you can pull of a low bounce for your website, that means that visitors that come to your site aren\’t leaving right away. They\’re moving from page to page to check out more than just a single page – they\’re clicking on internal links that takes them to more pages and posts. This means that you\’re getting better user engagement.

Basically, if a user “bounces”, then they exited the entirety of your website for green pastures after looking at a single page.

How do you turn utilize your current high bounce rate to increase your site’s performance?

Natalie Hoben wrote a post where she gives us 20 ways we can turn those high bounce rates into a positive, and increasing your site’s ranking!

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Scott Davenport

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