What Are Some Best Practices For A Better Performing Website?


Did you finally get your HVAC website performing exactly the way you want on Google? If so, that\’s good, but how long will that really last? Why would I ask that, you say? Well, as we know, Google likes to mix things up with all of their search engine updates. Because Google is always performing updates, that can change how well your site is performing in the SERPs.

This means you\’re going to have to change things around until you finally find that sweet spot where the site finally works like it did before.

This is where a little SEO cleaning comes in. Ultimately, you want to make sure you take all the necessary and preemptive steps it takes to keep your site clean and running smoother than butter.

In a column written by Ludwig Makhyan, he talks about SEO hygiene, what it is, why it’s important, and the best practices you can utilize to improve your rankings.

Read more here.

Scott Davenport

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