Trying to understand the jargon that comes with a new marketing update can be pretty frustrating. It\’s really easy to get lost in all the new things that come out of that update. Let\’s look at some of the acronyms that marketers use – TOFU, BOFU, AOV as well as others. If you don\’t know what these mean, you are likely either a noobie in the field or a pretender.
Is it possible to get out of the trenches of being a pretender and become an expert? A new guide from LinkedIn was launched to help provide some assistance in this area. Although it won’t necessarily help with the marketing jargon, it can be of assistance regarding understanding the main and common concepts.
To get a little more in-depth on the jargon, you can also check out LinkedIn’s ‘Ultimate Glossary of Brand Building Terms’ to uncover many of the basic terms.
The guide might not be super long, but it can be helpful for your process.
Source – Social Media Today