Are you trying to create quality links for your website, blog or otherwise? There are a number of ways you can tap into conversations that are currently trending online, but each of these ways can have varying degrees of success
One way to successfully create these types of links is to make interesting content, and then pitch it to writers, which can lead to potential media coverage.
Of course, there is always a caveat. You want to make sure that the content you create is newsworthy. This can mean not only writing something people will want to read, but you will need to be sure that it is brand new and relevant to this moment.
Because many of us don’t have the ability to deal with breaking news all the time, surveys are great substitute.
Amanda Milligan of Moz has written an article where she walks us through how we can use surveys to add value to conversations, which can, in turn, catch the attention of writers who work for top publications.