How To Improve The Engagement On Your LinkedIn Posts

When creating content on LinkedIn (or other places like blogs and other social platforms as well), a good way to measure success on that content is the conversations that come from it. The best way to do that is take the time to talk to people about their content. By doing this, you’re more likely to have those people check out your LinkedIn content.

It’s a tactic that’s both overlooked, yet effective.

Anna Sonnenberg has a post over on Social Media Examiner where she shows you even more information about how to get people to check out your LinkedIn posts. She shows you how to use LinkedIn post templates and link stickers you can use to crate LinkedIn posts that really stand out.

She also covers the following:

  1. How LinkedIn post templates work
  2. How to use post templates on LinkedIn
  3. How link stickers work on LinkedIn
  4. How to use LinkedIn link stickers
  5. Review content analytics

Check out Anna’s post here for the details!

Scott Davenport

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