Local search marketing has been a thing for a while now. It’s one thing to market for you brand generally, but it’s a different beast when you want to focus on a local area for your HVAC marketing strategies.
With the importance of local search marketing, brands have to build out local web pages specifically made with advanced mapping features that will help searchers find what they are looking for around them.
Web pages that utilize maps that show where the location is, users will have a much easier time finding the location, increasing the brand’s chance of getting the coveted conversion.
In this case, getting used to implementing mapping options is a must when doing local search marketing. One of the big dogs in the mapping business is pretty obvious – Google Maps.
If you want to utilize Google Maps in your brand’s local search efforts, then something you’ll need is a Google Maps API Key.
Lauren Abramson and Marshall Nyman of Search Engine Journal will teach us what a Google Maps API Key is and how you can get started using it.