Everything You Need To Know About Wikipedia And SEO

Wikipedia is probably the most popular source of online information today. The website gets millions of visitors a day, providing them with the information that they need.

But as a business, have you considered the idea of using Wikipedia as a part of your SEO strategy?

Since the site provides such a rich amount of information, a single Wikipedia entry on your business and brand can increase brand credibility, as well as enhance the authority of your website. These entries can help rank your business highly on the SERPS, eve with multitudes of keyword competitors.

Wikipedia can be a great resource for any company since it has over 56 million pages in 328 languages, which can be easily edited by you.

With a little strategy and digital savviness, you can put it to work for you via both off-site and on-site SEO tactics.

If you want to learn more about using Wikipedia as a source of SEO, check out Search Engine Journal’s post on the topic!

Scott Davenport

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