6 Advertising Challenges Brands Could Face in 2022, According to Experts


Did you know that about 90% of searchers online haven\’t decided on what brand they want to buy from before they begin doing online research on search engines? Due to this, business and brand advertising has become far more competitive than before. This high level of competition is but one more thing that businesses have to contend with when advertising their business.

Even with these high levels of competition, this won\’t deter businesses from doing their best when it comes to marketing, so you might think about what are some other challenges that advertisers face and how can you overcome them?

Rebecca Riserbato wrote a post on HubSpot reviews the advertising challenges that many experts have to deal with regarding what brands could face in 2022. She also discusses how to overcome them as well, including:

  1. Reaching the right targeted audience.
  2. Allocating enough budget.
  3. Scalability.
  4. Competition.
  5. Relying on one marketing channel.
  6. Downplaying the power of emotions.

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Scott Davenport

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