WordPress has come along way since it first released back in 2003. The content management system now powers 43.3% of all websites on the internet. It’s free, it’s open-source and it’s SEO-friendly.
We can see why it’s gotten so popular.
But that doesn’t mean that the website that you create with it gets a free pass. You won’t get to be number on on Google just by creating a website on the platform. Remember that SEO-friendly bit mentioned a moment ago? As you can see, you still need to follow SEO best practices, as well as provide real value to your audience.
SEMrush has created a list of 28 steps that you can use to make your WordPress SEO just pop.
The list includes:
- Choose a quality hosting provider
- Us an SEO-friendly WordPress theme
- Make sure your website is indexable
- Set up an SSL certificate
- Pick your preferred site address format
- Enable SEO-friendly permalinks
- Install and configure a WordPress SEO Plugin
- Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console
- Noindex unimportant pages
- Plan the architecture of your site
- Nest your pages into subfolders
- Create an easy-to-navigate menu
- Use post cagetories correcgly
- Enable breadcrumbs
- Do keyword research
- Create great content
- Write SEO-friendly URLs
- Use headers correctly
- Write optimized title tags
- Craft unique meta descriptions
- Link internally
- Write descriptive image alt text
- Approve comments manually
- Speed up your website
- Optimize your images
- Mark up your pages with Schema
- Secure your WordPress website
- Use ‘Last Updated’ dates
Again, make sure you check out the full post over at SEMrush for the details.