Usually, when you think of email marketing, ideas of emails being sent out to individual customers comes to mind. This is what we’d consider B2C email marketing. Here, you are trying to promote services and products to individual people in hopes of creating customers.
But B2B email is a little different. This is a type of marketing in which you send email campaigns to businesses instead of individual buyers. You engage sales prospects (B2B buyers) through their work email, educate them about your products, and convert them into marketing qualified leads (MQLs) for the sales team.
As Neal Schaffer says, “B2B email marketing is done a bit differently. While promotions are occasionally used, most B2B buyers need to make an informed decision.” Neal used the example of making sure the right type of laptop is purchased for employees who are either traveling or working from home. He continues by saying, “This level of buying decision is similar to the consumer process, except it needs to pass the procurement process.“
Neal has wrote an article on the best practices you will want to take advantage of to help prepare your B2B email marketing strategies for the best chances of winning over new B2B clients and relationships.
Read his whole post over here to get started!