Why You Need a Content Marketing Strategy

If you are keen on capturing a good market share for your business, you have to first capture mindshare, and do do that, you\’ll need to use content marketing to achieve that goal.

For each piece of content you create, the more likely you\’ll bee seen by a potential HVAC client. Even if you only get an average of 10 views per month for each piece of content, if you have 100 pieces of content out there, that’s 1,000 views a month! It really does add up!

The following list includes the tips as to why you need a content marketing strategy:

  1. Drive down your cost per acquisition and drive up your ROI
  2. Your site will rank higher on Google for your best keyword and phrases
  3. Rank higher on Google My Business (or Google Business Profile as it’s known now) in your local area
  4. Content marketing helps increase your social awareness
  5. Content marketing helps your to stay top of mind in your subscriber’s email inbox
  6. Content marketing builds trust and confidence
  7. You’ll get passed up if you don’t invest time and effort into content marketing.

Scott Davenport

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