Ask your marketing team how busy they are. Chances are they will tell you that there is so much to do, that they barely have enough time to themselves for anything else. This is even more true for SEO.
Unfortunately, when you mention outsourcing work to another SEO company, your in-house team isn’t involved. This shouldn’t ever be the case. You never want to have a disconnected SEO team.
By outsourcing SEO, and by working with your in-house marketing team, you will find that your marketing team will be able to save time, all while driving results. The best kind of outsourcing work that can be done is by having your in-house team working hand in hand with the other SEO agency. This will make sure everything is working well, and you see results.
Although a brand be successful without outsourcing, there are a number of benefits to outsourcing SEO.
According to Search Engine Land, there are six benefits to outsourcing:
- To remove responsibilities
- To create accountability
- To have moderation
- To create consistency
- To bring in expertise
- To improve ROI
You can read more details of each of these benefits over on Search Engine Land’s post.
If you have an in-house team, or you’re doing the work on your own (we know not every business can afford full teams), make sure you keep these in mind so you won’t be held back when it comes to reaching your goals.