You’ve spent years in your industry, and now, you can call yourself an expert in your field of expertise. Perhaps at this point, you’ve thought about writing a book about what you know because you feel you can share that knowledge with others, so you can help out others who are still new or haven’t been in the industry as long.
Getting your book published is easier than ever with all the self-publishing and promotion options available to us, so more people can get a book out to the masses than ever before. In this case, releasing a book based on your knowledge and industry could really help broaden your brand marketing approach if done right.
But no matter how well-written your book is, getting people to buy it is a whole other thing. If they don’t know it exists, they can’t buy it.
Author Marketing Experts has come out with a guide that they put together that shares useful tips that you can use to maximize your book promotion through a variety of social media platforms.
Check out the infographic below to see if any of the hints can be of use to you!

Source – Social Media Today