What Are The Most In-Demand Skills For Social Media Managers (Infographic)

The job of social media manager is something that used to be the domain of interns or specialists, and only required them to post organic content to gain any benefit from the various social media platform.

But today, we are seeing a totally new social media landscape.

Now, social media managers are helping organizations capitalize on the surging popularity of social media platforms by creating and overseeing engagement, branding and marketing campaigns.

But what are the most in-demand skills you need if you want to be a social media manager?

To find out, the team from PostBeyond recently analyzed over 1,000 social media manager job advertisements in order to glean more insight into the most mentioned skills and characteristics.

You can check out PostBeyond’s full report here, but in the meantime, check out the following infographic.


Source – Social Media Today

Scott Davenport

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