Tips For Avoiding Misinformation In SEO Resources And Conversations

In the SEO industry, it seems that for every idea, thought and tactic, there is somebody there to contradict it. If you proposed something that you just know works, there will undoubtedly be somebody who will rise up and tell you that will disagree or say that their idea will work and not yours.

Even as Search Engine Journal themselves say, turning to Google isn’t always going to help either. SEJ said that “Google ranks information about SEO that Googlers themselves are on record saying is wrong.

There’s a lot of information out there regarding SEO that is true, and right on the money, but how do you know what is true, and what isn’t?

Roger Montti knows of a way we can figure out what is valid and what isn’t. Check his post over on Search Engine Journal for how you can avoid misinformation in the SEO industry.

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Scott Davenport

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