Getting your social media marketing strategy on track can be hard. You’re doing your best with promoting your business, but it can be challenging to generate the leads you really want. To be fair, it makes sense because marketing on social media has changed. It went to a nice-to-have situation to a must-have for modern brands.
No matter if you’re an expert or a social marketing rookie, it isn’t easy. We have to deal with changes with both technology and all the social trends that are always evolving.
Additionally, there are difficulties in strategy formulation, ROI measurement, and allocation of time and budget.
There’s a lot to consider when doing your social media marketing, so what are the elements you should be focusing on?
A brand new overview has been put together by the folks over at SEMRush, they give you a complete social media marketing list of taks that you can use to keep your content fresh, engaging and relevant for your audience.
With the holidays fast approaching, the overview will guide you in the right direction to maximize your SMM performance.
Check out the full SEMRush’s checklist here, or for right now, you can check out the infographic below! For every item on the infographic, SEMrush includes a suggested tool you can use to complete that item.

Source – Social Media Today