Having an ecommerce aspect to your business can really help broaden the range of products and services for sale, bring in more people, which will allow you to expand your business and diversify your sales.
An important thing that can really help your ecommerce take off are great reviews, which can really help your customers decide if they should buy from your business. Customer reviews allow companies to understand what their customers think of products, and what they think of themselves.
But one huge struggle in the ecommerce world are the fake reviews that some people tend to post on products that can cause views on products and businesses to skew.
The team from Invesp share the stats that you need to know in this infographic.
They cover the following:
- How reviews impact decisions
- How often fake reviews are seen
- Effect of fake reviews on trust
- Fake reviews on Amazon
Check out the infographic for more detail.
Source – Social Media Today