Dominating Your WhatsApp Marketing Strategy


WhatsApp Business enables businesses, such as yours, to deliver faster customer service to those who need it. Once a customer opts-in, they will be able to contact you directly on their phones. This is a good thing when you look at the 56% of people would rather contact customer service via messaging rather than through a voice call.

For HVAC businesses, there\’s a lot that going on that you have to deal with on a daily basis. You want to get new clients, but you have employees to manage, budgets to deal with, among other things. At the end of the day, you want a good way to grow your business without taking time away from everything that is already on your plate.

This is why companies such as yours have begun using texting. Since everybody and their brother is probably already texting, using something like WhatsApp is a no brainer.

WhatsApp is the go to app that has over two billion consumers around the globe, and seems like a dream place to find more potential sales, customers and clients for your business.

Although WhatsApp used to be an unfriendly platform for business communications, this has been changing recently as its now becoming more of an effective way for a business to connect with the people who matter the most in the app.

In a Search Engine Journal post written by Jes Scholz, she’ll show us the differences between its Messenger and Business Apps and the API, what successful WhatsApp marketing in action looks like, and even give us tips on how we can make your campaigns more successful.

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Scott Davenport

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