Cookieless Data Is Not The Only Concern In Search Marketing


For those who might not know what exactly third-party cookies are, they \”cookies that are set by a website other than the one you are currently on. For example, you can have a \”Like\” button on your website which will store a cookie on a visitor\’s computer, that cookie can later be accessed by Facebook to identify visitors and see which websites he visited.\”

Back in January of 2020, Google announced their plans to stop using tracking third-party cookies on its Chrome browser by 2022, replacing them with a group profiling system in a move the company says will plot “a course towards a more privacy-friendly web”.

This isn’t just some small time news that you can just ignore. Did you know that Chrome commands some two-thirds of the web browser market? With cookies gone, that means that marketers will need to find new ways to be able target their audience for advertising.

With these changes coming down the pipeline, we are now entering a new normal. But what will marketers do in this new cookieless world? Where will they start?

In an article on Search Engine Land, the information found there will hopefully help get rid of some of the stress of how to adapt to this new normally and share other alternatives to personalization.

Read More Here.

Scott Davenport

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