
Brand Mentions

How B2B HVAC Businesses Can Leverage Brand Mentions for Search Success

The cutthroat world of B2B HVAC demands a powerful online presence to thrive. These days, where businesses connect with customers through online channels, standing out from the crowd is critical for growth. One impactful strategy for B2B HVAC companies is cultivating brand mentions. These are online references to your company, products, or services across platforms […]
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Do Brand Mentions Matter To Google’s Algorithm?

Brand mentions are basically mentions made regarding product or service reviews, blog posts, educational content and news articles. There are those who believe that brand mentions directly affect the online reputation of a brand or product. In a recent Google SEO Office Hours video, Google\’s John Mueller was asked how important unlinked brand mentions were […]
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John Mueller Talks About Brand Mentions

You might be looking at the title and you\’re wondering exactly what a brand mention is. Well, they\’re references to a company, brand or service online. These mentions often happen in product or service reviews, blog posts, educational content and news articles. Brand mentions can directly affect the online reputation of a brand or product. […]