7 Steps To Write Long-Form Content

The type of content and content strategy that you use can take on a number of different forms. One form that we’re talking about in this post is long-form content. Long-form content is a tactic that some industries not only utilize, but depend on.

According to core dna, long-form content is any content piece that is longer than 4,000 words in length. The core dna article also stated that “long-form content is between a short story (under 7,500 words) and a novelette (under 17,500 words) in length.”

Writing long-form content can be intimidating, but don’t worry. If you can write a short blog post or article, then a long-form piece of content isn’t any worse. According to Search Engine Land, the longer content usually performs better than shorter content because it earns more backlinks. These backlinks will typically find their way to Google, which is a win for your content.

If you are curious on the steps it takes to write long-form content, Search Engine Land has provided seven steps on how you can write long-form content. They even provided content.

These steps includes:

  1. Choose the right topic
  2. Study the search intent of your topic
  3. Create an outline and structure the content
  4. Think about your audience as you write
  5. Expand on your points and answer, “Why should I care?”
  6. Add visual, like images and videos, to break up long-form cotent
  7. Consider creating a table of contents

The post you can find these steps on also provide examples on each step, so make sure you check them out right here.

Scott Davenport

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