What Is The Link Title Attribute and How Do You Use It?

Link attributes are an important part of SEO, as you can find them in link titles, alternative texts, and the like. The title attribute can be used to describe just about any HTML element. A great way you can utilize the title attribute is to use it in the link element to provide descriptive text within an anchor tag. Doing this can give you more real estate for your targeted keyword phrases.

Although technically optional, the link title is an that usually clarifies or describes the purpose of a link that visitors should know about before clicking the link.

Although they are technically optional, link title attributes are still important, and thus, you should still use them despite their optionality. Like mentioned above, it can help clarify the context of the link, but it can also help control how it’s perceived by Google.

Search Engine Journal has a post that discusses link title attributes and tells us all of the things we should know about it in order to be successful with them.

If you’re interested, check out the post over here!

Scott Davenport

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