Most of the time, when we think of all the places on the internet where you would advertise for your business, we would think of the obvious choices, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
But have you ever thought about putting the word about your brand on Reddit? Currently, the platform serves 52 million daily active users. Since Reddit has a huge number of highly engaged communities, your brand could thrive if you connect with your target audience in the right ways.
It’s understandable that there are brands that would hesitate to use Reddit because of the opposition to ads and brand interference on the platform, but there are ways to improve your performance on Reddit with customers on the app.
Reddit ha shared a range of tips to guide your Reddit posting approach with this brand new overview from Reddit. This will help you learn and understand Reddit’s nuances to help make a better and more authentic connection.
Check out the overview in the following infographic below.
Source – Search Engine Land