LinkedIn Shares New Insights Into Evolving Market Shifts as a Result of COVID-19


Due to the pandemic, folks have had to deal with a number of different challenges, all from different points of life. They have to be careful who they interact with, work with, touch, and so on. Even with all the vaccines being given to everyone, there\’s no doubt we\’ll be dealing with the effect of COVID for a good long time.

A lot of the changes we are witnessing these days will not only have long lasting effects, but some will likely become permanent fixtures in our lies.

LinkedIn has released its latest ‘State of Sales’ report, which takes a look at how buyers and sellers are adjusting their businesses as a result of the pandemic and how it relates to your marketing approach. The dedicated ‘State of Sales’ updates were put together for these regions:

  1. North America
  2. Asia Pacific
  3. Brazil
  4. France
  5. Germany
  6. Mexico
  7. the Netherlands
  8. the UK

Over 400 buyers and 400 sales managers and salespeople in each region responded to LinkedIn. The full report can be downloaded for the US and Canada right here, although you will need to sign up with an email address in order to access it.

You can check out Social Media Today’s information on the report over here as well.

Scott Davenport

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